Vision & Mission


our vision

  • LIZDE Focus is to ensure that quality products and services are offered at affordable prices to ensure sustainable development.
  • The use of technologies and innovations will ensure that all our customers are benefiting from products and services which prioritizes the environmentally friendly and climate resilient products, easy to manage and consume.
  • We envision to contribute to the national and global development agenda through wealth creation, environmental preservation and addressing inequities and food insecurity.
  • The long-term vision of our company is to ensure that we address the current global threat from climate change, pandemics, and increased price of commodities, products and services

Our Mission

Enable business partners, Government, Communities and Young people to have access to reliable products and services

  • We are working with range of partners to provide services and products tailored to their needs and solutions.
  • We work with our customers to understand their needs through a participatory approach